Mayday Grounding is the country’s premier supplier of all materials related to electrical grounding and bonding, lightning protection, power distribution and surge protection. We sell and manufacture copper and aluminum products used to connect and conduct electrical circuits "Back to Earth".
An extensive inventory of products from ERICO, Burndy, Panduit, Lyncole XIT, AEMC, and more.
These items include “Cadweld” exothermic welding products, driven and chemical ground rods, conductive back-fill materials (GEM and bentonite), compression and mechanical fittings such as wire lugs, fence clamps, split bolts, and c-crimps. Heat shrink tubing, s.s./bronze hardware, copper bar, strip, copper wire and cable are also extensively stocked.
Our services also include custom ground bus manufacturing, blueprint take-offs, Cadweld training and certification, custom manufacturing and assembly and more...
Mayday Grounding is the only one-stop, full service, locally stocked, grounding supply warehouse.
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